Advanced Oxidation is a healthier alternative to using less chlorine.

An option for pool water treatment is to install the combination of ClearO3 ozone generator and Ultra UV2 UV-C light.

ClearO3 and Ultra UV2 minimizes your exposure to potentially harmful chloramines and contaminants therefore reducing the potential for skin irritation, red eyes, discolored hair and swim suits, and bacteria borne illness. Chloramines have also been linked to asthma and other ailments.

alternative to using chlorine

Minimize using chlorine in your pool and maximize your savings.

Two units are better than one, it’s more effective and easier to maintain for a crystal clear pool with a healthy alternative to using chlorine in your pool. Installing the ULTRA UV2 “downstream” from the ClearO3 increases the formation of Hydroxyl Radicals, a powerful oxidizer to keep your pool clean, clear and healthy.

ozone genertorultraviolet